What is Circular Training - canadian-pharmacyp.com

What is Circular Training

Circuit training is a high-intensity training method that can be used to increase endurance as well as drying. Circuit training is of little use for stimulating muscle growth and increasing strength, especially if done on a consistent basis. Developed by RE Morgan and GT Anderson in 1953 (University of Leeds in England). It is debilitating and requires long-term recovery.

Circuit training can consist of strength exercises (bodybuilding, powerlifting) and aerobic (fitness, gymnastics, athletics). One circle consists of several exercises (6-10) on different parts of the body, which are performed sequentially one after another in 1 approach. Each exercise has a certain number of repetitions or is performed for a certain period of time. Between the exercises of one circle, small periods of rest are made (about 30 s), a longer break is taken after the completion of each circle (2-3 minutes).

In one workout, all the main muscle groups of the body are worked out (each exercise is for a separate group), one lesson can include from 2 to 6 circles, the total duration of the training is 30-60 minutes (no more). The technique is suitable both for beginners (preparing the body for stress) and for more experienced athletes for solving various tactical problems (drying, endurance, strength). Circuit training can be wave in nature (weak, medium and high). The intensity increases as the number of laps, reps, and rest periods shorten.

Features of strength circuit training (bodybuilding) 

  • More often multi-joint basic exercises are used for large muscle groups. It is they who lay the future foundation for the development of the strength and mass of the athlete.
  • If possible, these basic exercises should be performed on simulators, at least at the most basic level of training. Until the technique of performing the basic movements with free weights has been set, it is on the simulators that you can get the full return during the exercises.
  • All exercises are performed in a multi-repetitive ” pumping ” mode. This mode promotes maximum muscle capillarization, which is a prerequisite for their further growth.
  • Circuit trainings are carried out 2-3 times a week, at each of them, as far as possible, both the exercises themselves and the sequence of working out the muscle groups change. For example, if we started one workout with training the back, then the second should be started with training the chest, the third with training the legs, etc.
  • Only one exercise is used for each muscle group. At the initial stage in this exercise, only one working approach is done, not counting the warm-ups. As you train, the number of working approaches can increase to two and, then, to three. Below is one of the circuit training programs. Trainings are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).

Very often, erroneous schemes for girls are posted on the network that have nothing to do with circular training.

Making a plan

  • Before starting, a warm-up is performed, after the end of a hitch.
  • Create or select a circle of 6-10 exercises for different muscle groups of the whole body. Two consecutive exercises should not involve the same group.
  • It takes 20-30 seconds to complete one exercise. Use such a weight that at the end of this time a failure occurs (selection of weights is carried out in the first workout). Each exercise is followed by a break of 30 seconds. After completing the circle, take a break for 2-5 minutes.

To increase efficiency, circular training is based on the principle of periodization :

  • 1 week : light intensity
  • Week 2 : Moderate
  • 3 week : hard
  • 4 week : recovery / weight selection

You can adjust the intensity by: a) increasing the number of lap exercises and the number of laps b) the duration of the rest c) the speed and number of repetitions

An example of a circuit training program with periodization 

A week Duration of exercise. Rest after each exercise. Number of circles Rest after the lap
one 20 sec 20 sec 2 2 minutes
2 30 sec 30 sec 2 2 minutes
3 40 sec 40 sec 2 3 min
four 20 sec 20 sec 3 2 minutes
five 30 sec 30 sec 3 2 minutes
6 30 sec 30 sec four 2 minutes
7 40 sec 40 sec 3 3 min
eight 30 sec 30 sec 3 2 minutes

First stage. 6-8 weeks 

Circuit Training 1. Monday 

We will divide the muscles of the body into several main groups and we will sequentially work out each of them. These are the back, chest, quads, biceps of the legs, deltoids, triceps, biceps of the arms. Consciously, at this stage, no load is given to the abs, calves and forearms. They are still getting enough stress while working out other muscle groups.

  • Row of the lower block to the stomach 1×15-20
  • Press on a horizontal bench in the Smith machine 1×15-20
  • Press legs in the machine 1×15-20
  • Press up while sitting in the Smith machine 1×15-20
  • Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 1×15-20
  • Extension of arms on the upper block with a straight handle 1×15-20

Before each of the exercises, one or two warm-up sets of the same exercise are performed with a weight significantly lower than the working one.

Circuit Training 2. Wednesday

In all the exercises below, the operating mode is the same – 1×15-20

  • Hammer sitting chest press
  • Hack Machine Squat
  • Hyperextension
  • Broaching the lower block along the body to chest level
  • Hammer dumbbell curls
  • Extension of arms on the upper block with a rope handle
  • Seated pull of the upper block to the chest

Circuit Training 3. Friday 

Since free weights are not used at this initial stage, some exercises in the simulators may be repeated. Mode of operation in all exercises 1×15-20

  • Leg extension in the machine
  • Leg curls in the machine
  • Lifting dumbbells through the sides up
  • Dumbbell curls with supination during movement
  • Dips on the uneven bars
  • Row to the stomach in the Hammer simulator
  • Press at an angle of 30 degrees in the Smith machine

Explanations for the program 

All exercises that include circular training are performed in one mode 1×15-20 with medium intensity, that is, the weight is selected in such a way that the approach would end a couple of repetitions before the onset of failure. The pace of exercise is medium. Rest time between circles is 1.5-2 minutes. This set of exercises is designed to be performed for 6-8 weeks. Next, we modify it somewhat. The strategy is the same – circuit training. However, at the same time, we slightly reduce the number of repetitions in the approach to 10-12, while increasing the number of approaches for the muscle being worked out. Little by little, we begin to introduce basic barbell exercises, such as squats and bench presses.

Second phase. Building a base. 6-8 weeks 

The purpose of this stage is to master the technique of exercises with free weight, to develop strength qualities. The number of workouts is the same – three times a week. Each of them works out all the main muscle groups. There is only one exercise per workout per group. The number of repetitions in the approach will decrease to 10-15, due to this, working weights will increase in all exercises. The number of working approaches for each muscle group will increase to two, not counting one or two warm-ups with significantly less weight. These two approaches can be performed either one after the other after a short pause, or in another way – after the end of the first circle with one approach in each exercise, exactly the same second circle follows. The pace of execution is average, without sudden movements. Pauses between sets are one and a half to two minutes.

Circuit Training 1. Monday 

  • Row of a bar in an inclination 2×10-15
  • Bench press 2×10-15
  • Press legs in the machine 2×10-15
  • Leg curls in the machine 2×10-15
  • Press up while sitting in the Smith machine 2×10-15
  • Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 2×10-15
  • Extension of arms on the upper block with a straight handle 2×10-15

Circuit Training 2. Wednesday 

  • Dumbbell bench press on an incline bench 2×10-15
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 2×10-15
  • Hyperextensions with a load behind the head 2×10-15
  • Dumbbell lifts standing through the sides up 2×10-15
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps with the hammer grip 2×10-15
  • Bench press with a narrow grip 2×10-15
  • Row of the upper block down with an average grip to the chest while sitting 2×10-15

Circuit Training 3. Friday 

  • Extension of the legs on the simulator 2×10-15
  • Deadlift on straight legs 2×10-15
  • Broaching the lower block along the body up to the chest level 2×10-15
  • Lifting the bar for biceps on the Scott bench 2×10-15
  • French bench press on a horizontal bench 2×10-15
  • Row of the lower block to the belt while sitting 2×10-15
  • Breeding with dumbbells lying on an incline bench 2×10-15

Explanations for the program 

All exercises of this circular complex are performed in the mode of 10-15 repetitions, which contributes to an increase in strength qualities and is an impetus to an increase in mass. This is also facilitated by the introduction to the set of exercises with free weights in basic movements. This complex is performed within 6-8 weeks. After that, we switch to a three-day split.

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