Joint problems? – 2 -

Joint problems? – 2

Cetyl the Myrist … What?

A fatty acid with a long and difficult to pronounce name, Cetyl myristoleate, has attracted the attention of representatives of scientific medicine studying diseases of the joints. Since it will not be easy for the reader to pronounce this name, and it is also difficult for me to write it, in the future I propose to use the abbreviation WTC. Do you agree?

Discovered by scientists from the National Institutes of Health, ITC today appears to be a very promising remedy for relieving joint pain through a complex mechanism of action. Experiments on animals have shown that CMT effectively protects joints from the damaging effects of various chemical factors that normally cause arthritis in these animals. And although the results of experiments on humans are not yet as promising as we would like, the ITC has already managed to win a mass of adherents among apologists of alternative medicine, as well as among those who suffer from joint pain.

Several bodybuilders I work with have endless faith in this drug, although I still cannot fully vouch for it due to my lack of personal experience. However, the drug appears to work fairly quickly and at relatively low dosages. The effect is given only by 12-15 grams, stretched for a whole month. Exactly how WTC works is not known exactly; presumably, it reduces the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins (which will be discussed later in the text) or has other effects.

Premium Photo | Medical concept, woman suffering with knee painful - skeleton x-ray,

Flaxseed oil for all diseases!

Many bodybuilders and representatives of other sports have already appreciated the beneficial properties of flaxseed oil. The direct point of application of flaxseed oil is the relief of pain syndrome caused by the inflammatory process, including joint pain. To understand the mechanism of action of the product, the reader will have to take a crash course on the biological role of essential fatty acids and numerous active metabolites formed in the body with their participation. If you have known all this for a long time, you can skip over this section, otherwise, you will not understand the further content of the article without this information.

The term “irreplaceable” is used in relation to nutrients that the body cannot synthesize on its own and therefore has to receive them with food. To stay healthy, we must eat a specific set of vitamins and minerals, nine to eleven amino acids and two fatty acids. These two essential fatty acids (EFAs) are called linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. The first belongs to the fatty acids of the Omega-6 class, the second to the Omega-3 class… Does the term “Omega-3 fatty acids” sound familiar to you? It should be so. Fish oil is another popular and well-researched source of Omega-3 fatty acids (see text below) that has many beneficial properties. “So what does this have to do with my aching joints?” – you ask. OK, now we will recap the above and clarify the situation.

Flaxseed oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid). In the scientific/medical literature, it is reported that the omega-3 fatty acids contained in flaxseed oil, fish oil, etc., reliably relieve inflammation of any etiology. Remember the suffix “-it” in the names of joint diseases? How do you think NSAIDs work? They stop inflammation, but in parallel, they cause a number of side effects and health problems. How is the healing effect of flaxseed oil realized? From essential fatty acids, the body synthesizes substances called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are rapidly disintegrating hormone-like substances that alter cell activity for a short period of time. Prostaglandins directly affect blood pressure, inflammatory response,

Without delving into boring descriptions of biochemical processes, to summarize the above: Omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for the formation of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, and Omega-6 are related to the synthesis of many pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and other substances formed from essential fatty acids. The active consumption of oils rich in Omega-3 reduces inflammation (and pain) by influencing these mechanisms. Of course, everything is much more complicated than I wrote here, but listen, I still have a lot to tell you about.

People who add 1 to 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily to a protein shake or a serving of salad often see a reduction in joint pain, not to mention the other benefits of EFAs that are sure to come in handy for a hard-working bodybuilder.

Invincible “universal soldier”

I call this product the “universal soldier” because it contains everything you could want for a joint pain drug. This is Animal Flex already mentioned above . It contains glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, methylsulfonylmethane , flaxseed oil, vitamin E , vitamin C , manganese, and cetyl myristoleate. “And why are all these substances needed?” – you are perplexed. Short:

Glucosamine is considered by many to be one of the best natural products for the treatment and prevention of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of cartilage tissue. It is an important structural element of cartilage, synovial fluid and other joint components. Chondroitin sulfate is closely related to glucosamine and is part of a family of modified polysaccharides that form the cartilage framework. The previously mentioned Omega-3 acids are renowned for their ability to soothe inflammation and pain in joints and other anatomical areas. The antioxidants vitamins E and C are added because it is known for certain that the damaging effects of free radicals are at the root of many joint diseases.

Premium Photo | Woman having knee pain in medical

Finally, the trace element manganese is needed as a co-factor for many enzyme systems responsible for the synthesis of cartilage components and the integrity of the cartilage. Now you understand why I called these drugs “universal soldiers”! Separately, their ingredients are not very effective, but in the complex you get a powerful synergistic effect.

This well-balanced and complete formulation helps many people looking for a remedy for joint pain or any chronic inflammatory process.


Are you one of the millions who recall chronic joint pain as they cross the threshold of the gym? Then, first of all, make sure that you don’t make the common mistakes listed at the beginning of the article. Then consult with a good sports medicine doctor and try to find the root cause of all troubles. I am sure you do not want to engage in self-diagnosis hazardous to health. Finally, start taking one of the drugs we’ve reviewed and see the results.

Do not rush with estimates, wait at least a few months. In the absence of the desired effect, namely a decrease in the severity of pain and an increase in mobility in a clinically significant joint, add a second or third drug to the treatment regimen. Complicated? And I did not say that it would be easy, fast and cheap, but if excruciating joint pain deprives you of the joy of the training process, it is worth spending time and money to fight it. See you at the gym….

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